The reason for the title is I love to decorate my home for the seasons. Fall is my favorite time of year! I love the start of a new school year, Friday night football games and the cool crisp nights!
This weekend the weather is supposed to be gorgeous and much needed and deserved....we have just had another round of winter weather and school has been closed again....I seriously cannot believe we have been closed this much due to the snowy weather but the good news is we only have to make up two days...yippee....On Saturday the high is supposed to be 60 and the hubby and I are going to an afternoon theater presentation of Steel Magnolia's at our local community theater and I cannot wait....then we are going to dinner that evening to celebrate Valentine's Day.....what are your plans?????
This is our beautiful downtown plaza is very rare that we get snow here in NE Texas so this is definitely a treat for us. School is closed today and the temperatures are not expected to get out of the high 20's today....hmmmmmm I wonder if we will get another snow day tomorrow??????
Our son, Jack graduated from Texas A&M Commerce on December 18,2010. The day was everything I had hoped and dreamed it would be! We are so proud of you Jack!!!!! All of your hard work has finally paid off!
Love is in the air! We have an exciting year planned for our family this year...our only son Jack, proposed to his precious girlfriend over the holiday so we are having a wedding in June! We are so excited to welcome Ashley into our family and cannot wait until the big sweet friends have already booked a shower for her to take place in April, can't can follow their story on
Told you I enjoyed crusin with "Big Sis" in her convertible.....we have had so much fun this summer and shared many laughs....I am sad to report we have to start back to school next week so our summer is coming to a quick end......but a good thing is those late night Sonic malts will not be calling me so my thighs thank you! Love you lots "Big Sis" thanks for a fun filled summer! I couldn't decide which picture to post so I am posting both!!!!!! ;}
This is my all time favorite picture of Jack and was taken in baby was 18 months and we were at the County Fair Petting Zoo and a camel decided to give us KISS....this picture appeared on the front page of our local PRECIOUS is this........where has the time gone??????????
Family Time Antique Shopping Bangles Moonstone Fiesta Dishes Milk Glass Crosses Cupcakes (YUM) Painting My Toenails Cruising with top down in Big Sis's Convertible Rainy Afternoons Santa's Stitching Texas Ranger Games Aprons Humming Birds Christmas Charm Bracelets Hankies
This is a picture of my number 1 son, Jack and his hunting dog Jig! What fun they will have come October. We lost our best hunting dog ever, Ben last December, Jig is our new dog. He is four months old and already loves to retrieve and the water.
Here is a picture of my niece and me. She so looks like me, she should be my daughter not my BIG SIS'S. We call her LuLu, when she was born my husband started calling her Lacy Lu and she has been LuLu ever since.
Hello! Welcome to House of Seasons Blog. My name is Jennifer, I am from the Lone Star State, born and raised. I am married to my prince charming, Chuck and have a wonderful son named Jack. We have one lab named Jig. Jack loves to duck hunt and he has trained Jig and hunts with him. I am a second grade school teacher! I absoluetly love teaching, I am starting my tenth year, and this year I was named "Teacher of the Year" for our campus. Teaching is so my calling. I love it, love it, love it, I can't imagine wearing any other hat than the hat of a teacher!